Are you self concious because of your acne? Stop covering it and instead kick it to the curb with the help of our active acne laser treatments! No more picking, no more scarring, no more hiding. Let the world see you and fall in love with your skin again. Here at Tap and Zap Laser Spa in Bossier City, we use a non-invasive approach to combat active acne and mildy assist with the reduction of acne scarring. Using our gentle 1064 wavelength you can experience reduced acne with a more even skin tone and texture.
During your free consultation at Tap & Zap near Shreveport, one of our laser technicians will discuss the procedure with you and address any concerns you may have.
Prior to the procedure your skin is cleaned and prepared. Your laser technician will then use one of our lasers over the area you want to remove the blemishes from. During treatment, a light will flash like a strobe light to help kill the cells that cause acne. This won’t damage your skin but instead only focus on the acne. Most patients describe this flashing light as feeling like a small pinch. The entire process should only take about 10 to 30 minutes.
(includes 5 sessions performed every other day over the course of 2 weeks)
(includes 5 sessions performed every other day over the course of 2 weeks)
*Add a carbon treatment to even the discoloration of the skin tone and aid in collagen production for less noticable scarring. Additional $65per session (no more than 1 session weekly)
The answer is yes. In a case study performed by the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology all patients were highly satsfied with treatment. Patients had high PGIC scores indicative of a "noticable and of a real and worthwhile difference in appearance."
Most people will undergo treatments anywhere between 2 and 6 times a year based on the rate at which their acne persists.
Most people undergo treatment with little to no discomfort. If you do find your treatment notable uncomfortable or even painful, we have several forms of pain management availible to you. You may experience minimal inflamation or aggravated skin during the process of your treatments.